Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why can't Keith Olbermann go back to ESPN??

I used to really enjoy Keith Olbermann when he was on Sportscenter. He was wickedly funny—for a home run, he would comment, "It’s deep and I don’t think it’s playable". And when describing a baseball play, he would explain: "That’s an E-6 for those of you scoring at home, or even if you’re by yourself…" He and Dan Patrick made a super team when they anchored, as they provided sharp, fair analysis with intelligence and two superb senses of humor.

But something has happened to Keith Olbermann. His Countdown show on MSNBC is undoubtedly the most vicious, partisan, ultra-liberal, extreme left program on television, and while I enjoyed his comedy on the show at first, he has deteriorated into a blustering, mean-spirited ideologue with no capacity for tolerance for other views. I am no supporter of the current President Bush, but Keith’s "Special Comments" are beyond the bounds of proper political discourse. Telling the leader of the free world to "Shut the hell up!" is not the way to win the argument, and it’s not as if there aren’t a ton of legitimate criticisms against this President. I am not comfortable with those over-the-top rants.

Who is the real Keith Olbermann? Has he always had these ultra-left philosophies but no political megaphone? He has had other programs since he left ESPN, and though I only saw him sporadically, I don’t recall any of those shows being so extremely left-wing. Is this an entirely new persona for him? He is nothing like the Keith Olbermann in his previous stints.

It looks like all of MSNBC is intent on moving sharply to the left, and I can hardly stand to watch that network. If it weren’t for Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan, I would watch Fox exclusively. I shudder to think what would happen to the nightly line-up if Obama loses on November 4th, but whether he wins or loses, one thing is for sure—The Messiah will eventually have to have a colonoscopy to remove Keith Olbermann from his comfortable resting place up Obama’s butt.

1 comment:

Scott From South Cackalacky said...

Espn won't take the Ubernut back. They would rather take their chances with Ron Paul!