Sunday, September 28, 2008

Political points

About the debate Friday night, doesn't it seem like Obama is much more interested in talking about policy than actually governing? From what I can tell, every position he has ever held has merely been a stepping stone for him to something loftier. He has no major accomplishments to speak of, except his 2 memoirs, which has me greatly concerned about what he would pursue if he is elected.

And are you angry enough about the $700B bailout? Well, guess what else your elected officials did this weekend--Congress gives billions to auto industry!

This is way beyond outrageous! Again, every incumbent who is up for re-election and sits in Washington now should be thrown out of office this November... We should never forget how they have betrayed us! When you're in the voting booth a little over a month from now and you're unsure of what to do, just remember--anybody but the incumbent!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dogs rule!

I am a hopeless yet unashamed pupaholic, and I will be posting lots of pictures of my babies on this site. We have 6 bona fide mutts, and they are absolutely our world. 3 boys and 3 girls--just like the Brady Bunch! They are Oreo, Snoopy, Capone, Roxie, Cici, and Sweetie--and they are spoiled rotten. The regal one in the bottom picture is Roxie, and she rules the roost. She loves screaming at her brothers and sisters and hogging all of the food to herself. But she's too cute to fuss at. The precious one in the top picture is my Baby Oreo; we have a special bond. The beautiful one in the middle picture is Sweetie, and it is unbelievable how truly sweet and loving she is. And yes, she loves to climb on my lap and lick my face!
My dogs are the lickingest puppies that we all have ever seen! I wish someone would tell us why... Can you believe that they all came from the same Mom? Their Mom, Princess, was the coolest I have ever known, and I loved her so much... But she was killed by a UPS driver on Halloween in 2006, and that was the worst day of my life. I still cannot even look at any pictures of her--losing her absolutely broke my heart. I am so thankful that we kept every one of her puppies--they were 1 1/2 years old when she died. Although nothing will ever take the terrible pain I feel every day about losing Princess, I am making sure her babies are safe, protected, and adored. I know she would appreciate that. And I believe in The Rainbow Bridge--I know I will see her again!

Why can't Keith Olbermann go back to ESPN??

I used to really enjoy Keith Olbermann when he was on Sportscenter. He was wickedly funny—for a home run, he would comment, "It’s deep and I don’t think it’s playable". And when describing a baseball play, he would explain: "That’s an E-6 for those of you scoring at home, or even if you’re by yourself…" He and Dan Patrick made a super team when they anchored, as they provided sharp, fair analysis with intelligence and two superb senses of humor.

But something has happened to Keith Olbermann. His Countdown show on MSNBC is undoubtedly the most vicious, partisan, ultra-liberal, extreme left program on television, and while I enjoyed his comedy on the show at first, he has deteriorated into a blustering, mean-spirited ideologue with no capacity for tolerance for other views. I am no supporter of the current President Bush, but Keith’s "Special Comments" are beyond the bounds of proper political discourse. Telling the leader of the free world to "Shut the hell up!" is not the way to win the argument, and it’s not as if there aren’t a ton of legitimate criticisms against this President. I am not comfortable with those over-the-top rants.

Who is the real Keith Olbermann? Has he always had these ultra-left philosophies but no political megaphone? He has had other programs since he left ESPN, and though I only saw him sporadically, I don’t recall any of those shows being so extremely left-wing. Is this an entirely new persona for him? He is nothing like the Keith Olbermann in his previous stints.

It looks like all of MSNBC is intent on moving sharply to the left, and I can hardly stand to watch that network. If it weren’t for Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan, I would watch Fox exclusively. I shudder to think what would happen to the nightly line-up if Obama loses on November 4th, but whether he wins or loses, one thing is for sure—The Messiah will eventually have to have a colonoscopy to remove Keith Olbermann from his comfortable resting place up Obama’s butt.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Okay, okay--the Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric was concerning. Surely she can handle these questions better than this! She's not a dullard. This article captured my sentiments exactly:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cheryl's Guide to the Congressional Elections 2008

For several months now, I have known who I will support in the 2008 presidential election, but until yesterday, I hadn’t thought much about the congressional elections. In witnessing the debacle that is being heralded as the greatest economic crisis in a century, however, I know exactly who I will vote for in the other national election—anybody but the incumbent. While this proposed bailout may be absolutely necessary to protect our economy and system of credit, I am seething with rage at every one of those individuals who sat in their comfortable seats in Congress while Wall Street financiers went to Vegas with millions of dollars in mortgage money that has now disappeared. We trusted our representatives to look out for our interests, but instead they rewarded, protected, and ignored the high-risk, greedy schemes that were dooming these Wall Street firms. How can we trust any of these jokers again? And everyone is to blame—Republicans, Democrats, everyone. It is time for a carthartic revolt by the American voters. The only way to make sure that this doesn’t happen again is to hold these officials accountable for their reprehensible mismanagement of this crisis. They all have forfeited their right to represent us any further.

Do you want your vote to make a difference? Vote the bums out! Go non-incumbent!

Note: I know McCain has presided over this fiasco as well, but Senator Obama as an alternative is absolutely terrifying for me.


The 9-year-old on the left in the above photo and the 15-year-old riding on the back of the 4-wheeler are my 2 best girlfriends in the world! Aren't they beautiful? I love you Hannah and Brittany! You are so precious to me, and I miss you terribly!

My thoughts on Sarah Palin

From the moment she stepped into the national spotlight on August 29, 2008, I have felt such a kinship and a connection with Sarah Palin. She is so refreshingly real. I am profoundly inspired by strong, smart, self-reliant, and successful women, the tough kind who not afraid or ashamed of their independence and ambition. I myself come from a long-line of hard-headed women, as I learned everything I needed to know in life from my Mom, my Nanny, and my Mema. Being a woman carries both responsibilities and privileges, but most of all, you should never let a man define who you are. The critical importance of an education was drilled into me over and over again, and I learned the value of maximizing every ability and opportunity that I had.

We have persevered through some very trying times with a never-abiding faith in God, and it was more than understood that family came first. I was told at the age of 16 that I would never walk or use my fingers again, but did I lose myself in fear and discouragement? Not on your life! I got me a hot-pink wheelchair, my Mom bought a handicapped-equipped van, and I started 10th grade with my friends only 4 months after I broke my neck in a car accident.
I will also add that ever since I was 14 years old, I have rarely ever left my house without my makeup flawlessly applied and my hair coiffed. My appearance has always been a priority for me, and even after I was rendered a quadriplegic, I saw no reason why I couldn’t look great in my wheelchair too. What is truly unbelievable is that there is this glaring misconception that you can’t be beautiful and smart at the same time. I remember meeting with a vocational counselor when I was in rehabilitation and him telling me that I was going to have to stop worrying about my hair and makeup, or else I wouldn’t be going anywhere in life. Of course, that was before he reviewed my IQ results. Well, 24 years and a law degree later, I sure showed him.

I see these same values in Sarah Palin. She has persevered and she is soaring. She doesn’t consider a baby a punishment, and she believes that Trig, her son born with Down’s Syndrome, is a blessing. This is a lady who is selfless and worries not about her own convenience. She understands that life under any circumstances is precious, and that we are often faced with challenges in this world to make us stronger, better people.

And she is absolutely beautiful! Brains and beauty can be a formidable combination. She has a firm grasp of the issues at hand, and no matter what any pinhead on MSNBC says, Sarah cleaned house in her march to the Governor’s mansion in Alaska. She challenged and beat the GOP establishment in her home state, and those accomplishments show a determination and a drive that is so rare in politics today. She could have played along with the party machine up there and gotten a cushy, safe seat or appointment. Sarah Palin chose to make a difference. I am so proud to be a supporter of her!

The level of virulent rage directed at the governor is both appalling and perplexing. I am especially disappointed in the reaction of the so-called feminists to her nomination. First and foremost, there is nothing more feminine than having children and being a loving mother. This personal contempt exhibited by Maureen Dowd and her ilk goes way beyond politics. I am wondering now if these women are in many ways envious of Sarah—she has it all: beauty, intelligence, a happy marriage, children, and POWER. We have all heard of those studies showing that men don’t like smart women and that it is virtually impossible for a single woman over 35 to find a husband. Maybe Sarah Palin reminds them of what they are missing in their own lives. I don’t know what their motives are, but all of these attacks on her infuriate me.

No, Governor Palin is not perfect, but she is real—she is what this country needs. She is a fighter when she has to be, and I trust her instincts. We know this woman! In a recent article by the aforementioned Ms. Dowd, she reports of her trip to Alaska with the mainstream media’s scavenger hunt, and her description of her stop at Wal-Mart there was literally dripping with sarcasm and snobbery. I seriously doubt if she has ever lowered herself to mix with the common folks at Wal-Mart before. These elitist liberals just don’t get it.

The has-been comedic actress Sandra Bernhard said last week that if Sarah Palin dared set foot in Manhattan, a group of her big black brothers would be there to gang-rape her. Where is the media outrage at this statement? Why isn’t anyone calling for her head? Just imagine if someone in the entertainment industry told Senator Obama that if he dared to set foot in Alabama, that a bunch of Klansmen would be there to lynch him and hang him from the highest tree. I am certain that a comedienne who would level such a threat to Senator Obama would never work again. Ask Michael Richards or Don Imus.

In a little over a month, the people of this country will render the ultimate verdict. Regardless of the outcome, I am appreciative of the contribution that Sarah Palin has already made to our political process. We political women are not blind followers of NOW and NARAL—we are just as diverse as any other segment of the electorate, and more of us identify with Sarah Palin than Gloria Steinem or Maureen Dowd. I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who is cheering Governor Palin now, encouraging her with sentiments of "You go, girl!" as she campaigns.

That’s right, Sarah—You go, girl!.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The economy and real estate

I have been reading a lot on this economic crisis we are experiencing, and it is making me even more angry about the taxpayers paying for this mess. The problem is pretty simple, actually—too many people were getting mortgages from lenders who didn’t seem to care whether they paid it back or not. Because housing values were increasing at phenomenal rates, the banker didn’t worry about the buyer making payments. Even if the buyer defaulted, the bank would still make money on the foreclosure sale. I have handled hundreds of real estate transactions since 1996, so I have been on the frontlines of the subprime mortgage fiasco that has brought Wall Street to its knees. I remember many first-time homebuyers with suspect credit walking out of closings with several thousands of dollars in hand—with no investment at all on their part. Down payment required? No, that’s just too harsh… I even handled loans involving mobile homes with appraised values of over $125,000.00. We know mobile homes in the South, and if there is one that costs that much, it better also function as a motor home and a portable swimming pool. Needless to say, those trailers do not fetch that much at the forced sales on the courthouse steps.

Where will this all end? I have no idea, but I hope the changes don’t freeze lending altogether. That would truly be catastrophic. It burns me up that those of us who struggled to keep paying our mortgages are going have to pay for the ones who were reckless in their finances. That’s grossly unfair, and Washington may be looking at a taxpayer revolt as this progresses.

For starters

Well, I have officially entered the blogosphere! So why am I here? I definitely have a plethora of opinions, and I would love some intriguing conversation. I am excited about sharing my personal life, and I am a bona fide political junkie. This election season is amazing now, but I am nervous about the outcome. I'll get into more of that as I experiment with this blog, but right now, I will tell you that I am a 40-year-old blue-eyed blonde in a wheelchair, and I am a proud Christian. I have been married to the most wonderful man in the world for over 10 years, and we have 6 precious puppies who are spoiled rotten! My Mom is my hero, and I have practiced law for 12 years plus. I am proud to be from South Carolina, and I love the Atlanta Braves... But most importantly, I want to have a voice for smart, strong independent women who, while we love our men, refuse to let a man define who we are!