Sunday, October 12, 2008


Watching this election coverage is more depressing every day. I read one poll asking Americans who they trusted more with the economy, and Obama is leading McCain in that category by 15%. What in the world is happening to the American people? Do you feel like you are in some kind of alternate universe where down is up and left is right? Did someone drag me kicking and screaming through the looking glass while I was asleep?

I cannot understand how Obama is suddenly so credible with our economy—he has done nothing to inspire confidence in him over the past month. Granted, John McCain hasn’t acted presidential either, but I don’t know why Obama has such an advantage now. I am growing more skeptical of these polls at this point. The pollsters use differing samples in their surveys, and I have no doubt that these "representative" portions of the population can be manipulated to produce a desired result. Especially when the entire mainstream media are determined that Obama will win. The lopsided polls showing Obama leading by double digits have a psychological effect on voters in demonstrating the inevitability of an Obama presidency—and they are terrific marketing tools as well. Undecided voters may look at those polls and figure that they don’t want to be on the losing end of a Democratic landslide, and McCain supporters might decide it’s over anyway and forgo voting altogether.

In a little over 3 weeks, we will be facing a monumental choice. I am praying for a McCain victory, but if he does lose, I believe that he has no one to blame but himself. For the life of me, I will never understand why he would not attack Senator Obama’s relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. That association is much more troubling than his ties with William Ayers, and his 20-year involvement in that church should be repugnant and inexplicable to every American.

McCain’s conduct during the bailout was exasperating and downright baffling. The Obama campaign was right, he was erratic. He should have stayed in Washington and skipped the debate like he pledged—now it smells like a cheap stunt. He should never have voted for the final bill either, especially with all of that pork piled on at the end. All throughout his campaign, he has vowed to veto earmarks—but he voted for this turkey? He would be in a much better position now politically if he had stuck to his maverick credentials and voted against the "rescue".

McCain’s backtracking at a campaign town hall event last week was thoroughly disheartening. When some questioners were begging him to fight and sharing their fears about Obama winning, he shook his head and mumbled something about us having nothing to be scared about if Obama is elected. Do what? We’re not supposed to fear this empty suit in the White House? Well, if that’s what he really thinks, let’s just end this right here. Evidently, McCain is starting to worry that the New York Times Editorial Board won’t be nice to him anymore if he continues to tell the truth about Obama. The New York and Washington D.C.-liberal elite "journalists" are writing columns decrying these hateful tactics of the "new" John McCain, and if only he would revert to the honorable man that they adored and emulated, all will be right with the world again.

Guess what, John? The mainstream media elitists are not rooting for you anymore. They never really loved you to begin with; they tolerated you in your efforts against George W. Bush, whom they passionately despised. But they have a new America’s sweetheart now, and they will stop at nothing to ensure the Messiah’s coronation. So when these pundits flatter you and advise you how to run your campaign, here’s a news flash: They want you to lose!

I hope that McCain will realize this sometime in the next 24 hours. If he doesn’t understand what is at stake in this election, if he chooses his honor over his country, then God help us all. We need a fighter in our President to tackle the evils in the world, and whatever faults the current President Bush may have had, we could count on him standing up in defense of our beloved country. Of course, we should be very frightened at the prospect of an Obama presidency, and this reaction has nothing to do with his race or his personal standing. His tax increases will devastate any chances for a rebound of our economy, his foreign policy naïvete will jeopardize our security as a superpower, his health care plan will penalize many Americans and small businesses for not participating—I could go on for days…But if John McCain does not have the stomach for this tough truth-telling, then we should have nominated someone who does.

Rush was right, my husband was right, my in-laws were right, Ann Coulter was right—conservatives just can’t trust McCain. I wish he would shut up about how proud he is for reaching across the aisle and working with the other side; that’s the last thing we want to hear. He even bragged at the last debate about working with Teddy Kennedy. Who is going to be impressed by that? Anyone outside of the far left? And as for him suggesting that Warren Buffett would be a good Treasury Secretary—has John forgotten whose side he is on?

I am so aggravated with the election turning in Obama’s direction, but McCain may still pull this one out. Don’t ask me how. Stephen Colbert says that McCain has a secret weapon--magic. The Senator has been counted out before, so I remain hopeful. He has had so many opportunities in this campaign to take the Messiah down for good, and I don’t know if he has any more chances now. That’s what is so discouraging—Obama is defeatable, but it seems like McCain isn’t able to do the defeating.


donsmom said...

Thank you, Cheryl for expressing my thoughts and feelings much better than I could. I am absolutely sick to my stomach over they way the Republicans in general are handling all this. I've turned it off the TV and radio, and I've quit looking at any of the news articles on my home page. I'll vote the right way, but with all my heart, I wish we had an alternative place to put our vote. I don't want Obama to win, but if McCain looks to be losing by a big margin (but who can really tell until the votes are in?), I'd almost like to write in my vote for Mickey, Donald or Goofy. It wouldn't be any more wasted.

Oh yeah,and thanks for the cudos :)

Scott From South Cackalacky said...

Wow, one of your best. Couldn't have done better myself.

DangerGirl said...

I loved your post and I share your frustration.

Interesting to note: there appears to be a difference of opinion between McCain and Palin on how to move forward:

From Times Online:

"Palin has continued to lead the charge against Obama’s alleged lack of candour. At a rally in Wilmington, Ohio, she mocked him for attending a supporters’ meeting in Ayers’s home when he was seeking to become an Illinois state senator in 1995. “He didn’t know he launched his career in the living room of a domestic terrorist until he did know,” Palin said"

“Some will say, jeez Sarah, it’s getting negative. No it’s not negativity. It’s truthfulness.” The crowd bellowed its appreciation with chants of “Nobama” and “Go Sarah Go!!

In the meantime, John McCain subscribes to John Weaver's thinking:

“People need to understand, for moral reasons and the protection of our civil society, that the differences with Senator Obama are ideological, based on clear differences on policy and a lack of experience compared with Senator McCain,” he said.

“And from a purely practical political vantage point, please find me a swing voter, an undecided independent, or a torn female voter that finds an angry mob mentality attractive.”

A McCain official confirmed that there was dissension in the campaign. “There is always going to be a debate about the costs and benefits of any strategy,” he said.

I tend to fall down the middle.

I believe people are concerned about the economy and I feel strongly that McCain needs to stand up and say:

"I KNOW your mad as hell about the bail & that I voted for it. I 'm mad as hell that a bailout was needed, but the patient was dying on the operating table, and we needed to stop the bleeding.

However I promise you that when I am elected I will appoint a special prosecutor and no stone shall go unturned: Todd, Franks, Pelosi, and other Senators, Congressman, CEOS, whoever is found accountable will pay the price for their incompetence."

Then he needs to lay out his plan for the economy and stress that during this time of recovery Sen Obama's plans for free university education, free healthcare, free pre-school will need to be funded through tax raises NOT tax cuts.
And then needs to articulate clearly HIS economic plan point by point!

This addresses the one issue Obama seems to have fooled people on: The Economy!!

He doesn't have to walk down the "he's an arab" path - he can rise above that- but he can hit hard with the truth as Palin is.

He can say: "Sen Obama is an American of this I have no doubt,but what I am in doubt about is his judgement" and then hit him HARD with the truth,like Palin is doing:

"“He didn’t know he launched his career in the living room of a domestic terrorist until he did know,” He knew Tony Rezko until he didn't know Tony Rezko. He spent 20 yrs in the church of Rev Wright listening to the Rev's hate filled rants against American & Americans, but he claims he didn't know this is what the Rev was preaching".

He also needs to hit hard about Obama's bad judgement in choosing Russia over Georgia, wanting to meet with our enemies without pre conditions, etc etc etc.

In the key state of Florida, Obama leads by a mere 2% - with the margin of error and the reality that many voters are intolerant but won't admit it to a pollster, that means Obama is tied at best but most likely McCain is leading: 3% or less skews the win to McCain.

I 'm someone who says it ain't over till the fat lady sings. We CAN WIN THIS ELECTION - but McCain needs to step up NOW and start singing!!

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

Let not your heart be troubled. The American people are paying attention and the polls are skewed.

And Scott "made me" come over here. LOL.

Good article and well written.